Sunday, April 30, 2006


Check out my little donkey!

Monday, April 24, 2006

A Step Up From Milk . . . ?

So I heard that Colette had moved on from good ole' American milk.
In the spirit of the Great Baby Race, I decided to throw down!

Oh yeah, that's the way I like it - orange and squishy -
Why eat steak when you can have some pureed mush?
. . .

Aww, who am I kidding? This stinks! What is that girl thinking???

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Easter Egg Frenzy

Dear Loyal Readers,
I have been too busy hunting Easter eggs to post.

Thanks, Mom - but do you think one will be enough? Not for my gluttonous appetite!!!

Keep em coming, Mama! That fool Easter Bunny keeps on leaving candy goodness behind,
and it's up to Sacagawea to teach that litterbug a lesson!

I love the smell of plastic eggs in the morning!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!!!

From Bunny, Ducky, and Sacagawea - Have a Blessed Easter!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dance, Austin, Dance!

Here's my favorite dancing uncle!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So Much To Do

Practice my balancing act.

Hang out with the ol' Monkey Cat.

Go places. Socks I have found are a delicious on- the- go treat.

Take a bath. Do you think this ducky would taste good?

Try new fashion accessories! What do you think of these glasses? Styling or not so much?

My New Aunt!

Uncle Joel is engaged! Meet my new Auntie Bernadette! (I like to think of her as Bernsie...)

Monday, April 03, 2006

In Which I Discover My Feet

This is great - I can take my toys with me!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Newest Soda Spokesbaby!

Here's my audition tape to be a Diet Dr. Pepper Spokesbaby -

Pictures for a Lonely Dad

I bet Dad's a little lonely now that little Sacagawea is out of town. Here's some pictures of me to remind him who the boss really is . . .